"Early Music" set
The “Montéclair” model
A graphic design that emulates the engravings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The staff lines are slightly irregular, but remain very readable. On ivory or yellow textured paper, you might feel like working on a facsimile...
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 15977 times)

The “Première” model
The perfect add-on to the Montéclair, from which it takes the graphics with the required indentation for an instrument label (traverso...).
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 889 times)

The “Telemann” model
The same staves as the Montéclair format in its "Italian" layout, which makes it more pleasant to work on. A must-have...
7 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 2745 times)

The “Venise” model
Same kind of staves as on the previous models, but designed to accommodate Italian baroque music... Can also be used as a front cover for the Montéclair presented above.
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 11776 times)

The “Lyre” model
Also based on the Montéclair model, adorned with an engraved lyre, acting as an initial...
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 5782 times)

The “Les contes” model
A music manuscript paper with an engraving from the illustrations of Perrault's tales by Gustave Doré.
7 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 4087 times)

The “Petit Amour” model
a lovely music writing paper... so cute!
7 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 5407 times)

The “Cantate” model
Another old-fashioned music paper, Montéclair style. Can be used for harpsichord or organ works, but also for cantatas with voice and continuo...
5x2 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 2520 times)

The “Cantate première” model
Same as the “Cantata” model, but with an Indent for instrument labels.
5x2 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 1556 times)

The “Arezzo 10” model
Gregorian musical notation with large squares appeared around the 13th century and remained in use until at least the 17th century, when modern notation was already available.
This 4-line paper is the most common, although there are examples of 5-line notation.10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 729 times)

The “Arezzo 10b” model
As a complement to the previous one, the paper has a large indentation to insert an illuminated initial letter..
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 385 times)

The “Arezzo 7” model
A less compact model for a more airy writing style.
7 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 590 times)

The “Graduel 10” model
If music notation draws its gesture from calligraphy, Gregorian writing is just as marked by the art of painting and illumination. It is therefore quite logical that papiermusique.fr provides gregorian models in sanguine colour in addition to the black and white versions.
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 375 times)

The “Graduel 10b” model
The perfect accompaniment to the Graduel 7 model, with a large indent for an ornate lettrine. Certainly the best choice for beautiful calligraphy.
10 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 248 times)

The “Graduel 7” model
Like Gradual 10, but more suitable for making a beautiful looking score. Initials and illuminations are under your pen...
7 staves - Size: Medium-Large
Format A4
(Downloaded 342 times)

The “Frescobaldi” Model
Although his best-known work is written on 5-line staves as in the modern standard, Girolamo Frescobaldi most often used notation on 6- and 8-line staves for his keyboard works.
3x (6 lines + 8 lines) - Size: Medium
Format A4
(Downloaded 70 times)

The “Merulo” Model
Like Frescobaldi, Claudio Merulo used relative notation, with a variable line count per staff.
3x (5 lines + 8 lines) - Size: Medium
Format A4
(Downloaded 68 times)